They only work in conjunction with a KMS server. Note: You cannot use a GVLK by itself to activate a Microsoft product. If you want to activate Windows without a KMS host available and outside of a volume-activation scenario.

In the table below, Windows versions ending with "E" are the international versions, and those ending with "N" are the versions without Windows Media Player. If you dont already have a KMS host, please see how to create a KMS host to learn more. If you are unsure of the exact version of Windows, click on the Start orb, right-click Computer, and select Properties from the menu that appears. You'll use the appropriate GVLK to update installations of Windows that used MAK activation to the new (November 2010) MKS activation method. Its guaranteed to generate a valid license key, but the product itself is not free and comes at a cost of 45.99.

Windows 10 Pro Key can generate an authentic product key for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10 Pro. Use this table to find the correct Generic Volume License Key (GVLK) to use our Key Management Service (KMS) with the edition of Windows installed on your computer. Windows 10 Pro Key - 100 Geniue Product Key at 45.99.